Login and Registration Issues

Why do I need to register?

What is COPPA?

Why can’t I register?

I registered but cannot login!

Why can’t I login?

I registered in the past but cannot login any more?!

I’ve lost my password!

Why do I get logged off automatically?

What does the “Delete cookies” do?

User Preferences and settings

How do I change my settings?

How do I prevent my username appearing in the online user listings?

The times are not correct!

I changed the timezone and the time is still wrong!

My language is not in the list!

What are the images next to my username?

How do I display an avatar?

What is my rank and how do I change it?

When I click the email link for a user it asks me to login?

Posting Issues

How do I create a new topic or post a reply?

How do I edit or delete a post?

How do I add a signature to my post?

How do I create a poll?

Why can’t I add more poll options?

How do I edit or delete a poll?

Why can’t I access a forum?

Why can’t I add attachments?

Why did I receive a warning?

How can I report posts to a moderator?

What is the “Save” button for in topic posting?

Why does my post need to be approved?

How do I bump my topic?

Formatting and Topic Types

What is BBCode?

Can I use HTML?

What are Smilies?

Can I post images?

What are global announcements?

What are announcements?

What are sticky topics?

What are locked topics?

What are topic icons?

User Levels and Groups

What are Administrators?

What are Moderators?

What are usergroups?

Where are the usergroups and how do I join one?

How do I become a usergroup leader?

Why do some usergroups appear in a different colour?

What is a “Default usergroup”?

What is “The team” link?

Private Messaging

I cannot send private messages!

I keep getting unwanted private messages!

I have received a spamming or abusive email from someone on this board!

Friends and Foes

What are my Friends and Foes lists?

How can I add / remove users to my Friends or Foes list?

Searching the Forums

How can I search a forum or forums?

Why does my search return no results?

Why does my search return a blank page!?

How do I search for members?

How can I find my own posts and topics?

Subscriptions and Bookmarks

What is the difference between bookmarking and subscribing?

How do I bookmark or subscribe to specific topics?

How do I subscribe to specific forums?

How do I remove my subscriptions?

Web Push Notifications for Browsers

What are web push notifications?

How can I receive forum notification alerts on my computer or mobile device?

Will I receive notifications if I am logged out?

Why are the “Enable Push Notifications” buttons disabled?

What if I’m still having trouble receiving notifications?


What attachments are allowed on this board?

How do I find all my attachments?

phpBB Issues

Who wrote this bulletin board?

Why isn’t X feature available?

Who do I contact about abusive and/or legal matters related to this board?

How do I contact a board administrator?