A discussion about personal experiences with hacking and lessons learned. Tell us your stories
My sites have never been hacked but once my Twitter account was hacked but thankfully I was able to secure it before any damages were caused.
I've never been hacked and it's going to be practically impossible for it to happen unless the hacker managed to get access to my cookies history, otherwise they should forget about hacking of my online account.
I have never been hacked though the hackers tried so one certain year. I got the notification on my email that someone is trying to login to my account that I needed to confirm if it was me.
I don't ever remember having any of my sites hacked but it can happen so easily especially if you do not keep up with updates of software or even any addons you may be using.
Anyone can be hacked suddenly so I always ensure that I have regular backups should anything bad happen.
Anyone can be hacked suddenly so I always ensure that I have regular backups should anything bad happen.
My websites have never been hacked, however, once my website was DDoS attacked. Many years ago, my Twitter account was hacked but I was notified by my follower through Facebook and I immediately went to Twitter and changed my password