Discuss how creative pursuits have helped you process emotions and manage depression. What projects or hobbies have made a difference in your life?
It was years ago when I was still a teenager that I was into arts and writing of music. Right now, I only listen and enjoy musics that resonate with me. This is because they have a way of reaching down to my soul and making me feel whole.
While growing up, I love to write down my feelings, emotions, weaknesses and strengths. While writing, I used the second person to write and indicate the feelings so that my readers will understand so well my message.
I started writing as a way to express my pent up emotions. Later I picked up writing as a profession and today it is no longer a way to express my emotions, it is only to satisfy clients. :D
You are doing an awesome job. Taking writing as a profession will not only give you the feelings you want but it will also be a good one as you are paid by people to read from you.